Open the Door to Innovation

Remotely receive calls and give access from anywhere in the world

Innovative Features

Fingerprint icon

Provide maximum access security for your property using modern, completely secure, and reliable access technology combined with luxury design.

Fingerprint Reader

Night Vision Camera icon

See who is standing in front of your door, even in total darkness. Moreover, the camera is hidden from normal view for any suspecting intruder.

Night Vision Camera

Telephone icon

SIP protocol support makes it easy to link the intercom with IP phones and PBX systems from other suppliers, without having to connect to the server.

SIP Integration

Bluetooth icon

Utilise the speed and convenience of Bluetooth access control technology. You can forget about distributing keys and RFID cards once and for all.

Mobile Access Control

We have various luxury audio and video units that fit every interior. Accepting calls, opening doors, displaying missed calls or switching to silent mode has never been easier. It also works as an audio-video answering machine for times when you are not at home.

Indoor Answering Units

Video Doorbell For Your Smartphone

Do more than receive and record calls from anywhere worldwide — remotely open doors, gates, or garages for those unexpected deliveries. Even add additional cameras to see around the corner for round-the-clock home surveillance.

Vehicle Access Control

Our Bluetooth readers are the quick and user-friendly solution that mean users won’t have to leave their car (or lean out of it) to authorise their entry. Take convenience to another level by fully automating vehicle access control using our car licence plate recognition solution as credentials for both residential and commercial use cases.

Digital Access Unit

Our Digital Access Units are powerful access control readers with in-built controllers that support multiple access technologies. Choose from several versions – RFID, RFID combined with mobile access via Bluetooth, or RFID with a keypad, which is perfect for projects that require two-factor authentication. Thanks to their slimline design, they can easily be installed in constrained spaces like door frames.

Smart Home Automation

Integrate Digital Entry into our Smart Home Solutions for the ultimate home control