Protect what matters most

Remotely view & record your property from anywhere in the world

Artificial Intelligence Driven Security

Notification icon

Which speed up responses and help to reduce damage or losses caused by vandalism, break-ins, and other security incidents.

Real time alarms and notifications

HD Video icon

For crystal clear evidence that can be used in legal processes if necessary.

High-quality video imaging

Person & Vehicle icon

Which minimises false alarms caused by animals, falling leaves, heavy rain, and other moving objects.

AI person and vehicle recognition

Audio icon

Which deter many burglars, vandals, and trespassers before they even enter sites or buildings.

Built-in visual and auditory warnings

Tap to see what's happening 24/7 in your shop or house. Breathe easy to check live videos anytime and anywhere. You can enable notifications to alert you, and remotely see and understand your environment in a heartbeat. It's easy to retrieve and play back videos at multiple speeds, which keeps everything in check.

Never miss a moment

Arming or disarming your alarms can be easy and regular with a couple of taps. In case of an intrusion event, you will get instant notification and can easily check real-time video clips from security cameras, or up to 20 photos from motion detectors via your mobile phone.

Deter potential intruders and see exactly what triggered an alert

Smart Home Automation

Integrate Digital Security into our Smart Home Solutions for the ultimate home control